the_real_greco’s Blog

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Chess Openings That Need New Names

Chess Openings That Need New Names

| Jun 11, 2021

The Computer Chess Championship (CCC) just played every opening in the ECO, which is a fun event. It allows viewers to see some lesser-known lines, and the opening explorer gives the opening names. But let's just say that some of those...

Engines Navigating The Tree: AB-Pruning Minimax

Engines Navigating The Tree: AB-Pruning Minimax

| Jun 26, 2019

On his first move, white can play any of 20 legal moves. Several of these moves are good; a few more are probably playable; the rest are bad. But whichever white chooses, black will have 20 responses available to him. This means that by white's se...

Man vs. Machine, Parts I+II

Man vs. Machine, Parts I+II

| Jun 18, 2019

Deep Blue vs. Kasparov. Deep Junior at Dortmund. Deep Fritz vs Kramnik. Leelenstein vs jjosh? The history of humans playing computers is not a long one. The period in which chess engines and strong human players could compete on level footing wa...

Move-Finding, The Engine Way

Move-Finding, The Engine Way

| Jun 8, 2019

In a previous post I looked at how engines represent positions with bitboards. (If you haven't read that, you should!). Having a full set of 12 bitboards lets you know where all the pieces are... but that isn't the end of the story. The next ...

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