Hola, ajedrecistas latinos!
Estoy ofreciendo sin costo alguno, Módulos de Entrenamiento Semanales en mi sitio AjedrezDeEntrenamiento.com, -sin costo alguno, repito.
Desde que lo lancé la semana pasada se han inscrito casi 1000 aficionados (y ...
Aqui esta la tercera parte y final de la entrevista a Polgar. En esta parte habla de sus años de formacion, como mejorar en ajedrez, aperturas, entrenamiento, las mujeres en el ajedrez, algo de su vida, y mas!
Por favor, si te gusta, re...
La segunda parte de la entrevista a Judit Polgar (Exclusiva en Español!) Partidas, fotos, videos...! Judit tambien habla de sus colegas, de sus libros preferidos, y mas... para no perdersela! Por favor comparte el enlace! :)
He publicado en español la primera parte de una gigantesca entrevista realizada por los lectores de AjedrezDeEntrenamiento.com, Crestbook.com y ChessInTraslation.com a la Gran maestra Judit Polgar. Si tu lenguaje es el español, no te pierdas la...
Ajedrez De Entrenamiento se ha aliado a Crestbook.com (famoso portal ruso de ajedrez, del Gran Maestro Serguei Shipov), y ChessInTraslation.com (sitio de noticias en inglés acerca del ajedrez ruso y de élite, mantenido por ...
Hi there.
I have published an interview to Paco Vallejo, the spanish GM, who just played in the Gran Slam.
In the interview, done by our readers, Paco show us his good humor, gives us some chess tips, and shows us some of his best games; als...
This article was originally published here
I knew this would not be short, but what can I say - this will be useful for the rest of your chess career … Or maybe you will decide to end it right now after reading this! :D So before you start, g...
This article is the logical continuation of the previous "10 ways to get free chess lessons from Masters." That article was for those who do not have the financial means to hire a coach. This one, however, is for those who are able, or are savi...
1. A disguised chess monster.
One late afternoon in April 2010, without making much noise, three friends went in the New York's Village Chess Shop, a small but picturesque Chess Club located at 230 Thompson Street. They sat down and two of ...
(The first time I published this article, some people -some chess coaches- didn't like the original title, which it was a joke. Because my main interest is to write about Chess and not creating controversy, this is the straightforward content from...
Recently the website ChessPro.ru has chosen the "Game of the year" (Gashimov-Grischuk, 0-1) which, I have to say, is stunning, but just because it breaks an elementary rule: "You shall protect your King"... but well, if you are gonna go for the pa...
I won't lie: I'm biased against Tahl's chess, the super wizard of Riga. I really like his games... when he ends them, because you can literally see the pieces flying around, the neighing of the horses being slaughtered and the whinning of his Quee...
I. Quixote Rockstar
For a while I am of the opinion that Don Quixote’s mind is more interesting than his actions, but Cervantes had to invent wild and spectacular adventures to make it a novel.
In the same train of thought, a Cuban grandmaster, t...
You all know that combination is a forced move sequence sacrificing material in order to checkmate the other side, gain material back OR positional advantage. This one belongs to the last definition, and what is most notable, is that Kasparov, the...
The other day I was looking into the games of the spanish GM Francisco "Paco" Vallejo (20th of the world) to publish in my websites, and I stumbled across this awesome position. How come someone can show up such imagination? Before reaching thi...
I want to share with you an endgame from David Bronstein; it does not have the usual sparks from such original player, except the vision to foresee a winning maneuver when normal players can see just a mere advantage. Are you able to see the wh...