
Hi, I'm trying to look for chess clubs to join in the summer, could you please give me a few recommendations?
I_Have_Beaten_Carlsen Mar 15, 2024
Please host more Regular tournaments in Atlanta GA
I live in St.Louis and go to a chess club called, "Chess Cardinals." I play OTB here and I am now 1300 USCF after a few months of going there. I am trying to find a new club near the Chesterfield area of St.Louis. If you know any, please let me know. ALSO, please subscribe to my youtube channel linked here! LINK: IF YOU SUBSCRIBE, YOU ARE THE BEST, THANK YOU!
I'm 10 I am 900 bullet 900 rapid I have beat a 2200 NM, and I'm 700 in blitz.
Super_Bassoonist64 Mar 12, 2024
Any good content on the Benoni? I've been studying this opening recently, its my new opening vs whites d4.
DillWithThePickle Mar 10, 2024
Hi everyone! Does anybody know how to join a USCF online tournament? And also if I play online USCF tournaments would that increase my rating?
AwesomeSimba3 Mar 5, 2024
I've came across a problem running into a very obvious cheater. I won't publicly put their account name here but he played horribly in the opening and then out of nowhere he started playing amazingly and with a deep understanding of the game. he ended up beating me as around a 1200 rapid at the time and I checked his account. first of all he was a 500 rated blitz and played a decent amount of blitz losing to 4 and 500's. I checked his recent games and could clearly see the moment he would start cheating in his games and play all the best moves and come back from a hopeless position. I reported him multiple times and this was well over a month ago and nothing has happened and he is still playing more games cheating and taking elo from other people so it is less about me now and more about everyone! Just wondering if their is anything else I can do? email someone this account and the games and all? people are unfairly losing rating points to the mentioned i ran into. Im not delusional either he admitted to cheating in the chat with me in the game!!
Norman078 Mar 5, 2024
When we play chess openings as white and black should we focus on one opening, or try to learn multiple?
CheckeredCow21 Mar 5, 2024
I haven't played chess in a while, my last game was November. So today I played one and even though I won, my rating stayed the same. Is this because I haven't played for a while or is it a bug?
Today I reached 1000 ELO! My goal is to get to 2000 by the end of the year. Any tips to get there?
Can any strong players recommend how to prepare for a classical tournament? I am 12 years old with a 1400 USCF.
falcon39 Mar 3, 2024
Hello, I am rated around 900 in rapid. I have gained around 200 points over the past couple months. My problem is one day I play really good games, and the next day, I make 5 blunders in one game. I'm not distracted or anything, I feel the same but my chess game is just off. Does anyone know anything that could help me with this?
varlogtim Feb 27, 2024
Im playing as black and the GM is playing as white in a 3|2 game and he flags after my g4 attack This is the game btw.
JonathChess Feb 26, 2024
I am having trouble having chess strategies and have been losing lately if you have tips please let me know
AwesomeSimba3 Feb 19, 2024
I ended up forcing en passant in a game I played, which is funny considering the fact that en passant is almost never forced. (It's on move 42 btw)
BabyYoda1195 Feb 12, 2024
I can take down a lot of 500's, 600's and have even beat a 1200 and 1600 (unrated). Why am i at this rating? i lost to someone who was both 200 in blitz and 900 in bullet at the same time..
I just wondering how to play live chess because there is no option to play it.
varlogtim Feb 3, 2024