
Feature Request: Tournament Filter / Selection Wizard


 tournament selector wizard is overdue, given that there are thousands of tournaments to choose from. It would need broadly the same set of parameters as in the Create Tournament form … e.g.

Game Type

Standard chess | chess 960


Official | Member created

Time Controls

1,2,3,5,7, 10, 14 days per move

Rating Range 

Min? Max? | Open

Starting position

Standard | Thematic

Start time

ASAP | specific date

Completion Status

Upcoming | Current | Completed


Single round | Multi-round


Min? Max?

Number of players


% places filled


Player Move Speed

 Above Average (<12Hrs)  |  Fast(<6 Hrs)   Very Fast(<3Hrs) | Any

Min no. of games


Max timeout %


Concurrent games (against each opponent)

 1 | 2


Rated | Unrated

Vacation Allowed?

 Y | N

Premium only?

 Y | N

There should be a DON'T CARE option for each parameter, obviously.



I am still waiting for a group setting that allows you to switch off tournament invites if I don't want to receive them. I've got my tournament settings switched to off yet still receive invites from groups i'm in :(
blackfirestorm666 wrote:
I am still waiting for a group setting that allows you to switch off tournament invites if I don't want to receive them. I've got my tournament settings switched to off yet still receive invites from groups i'm in :(

So you'd like this GLOBAL option separated into two?



 STOP! I'm NOT available for challenges or tournaments!


I would like for it to be an option in each group settings to switch off invites like you can alerts


This would be nice.

blackfirestorm666 wrote:

I would like for it to be an option in each group settings to switch off invites like you can alerts

Currently, group settings relate to the whole group (e.g. whether the group does Team Matches) and individual settings refer to everything the individual does globally (e.g. accept challenges; receive messages). It could become onerous to manage - for people that belong to dozens of groups, do you not think?

Well look at it this way. I am a member in almost 100 groups and despite my tournament invites being switched off in "settings" I still get tournament invites by group admins that I belong to. Staff on this site say there is nothing I can do but if I have my settings switched to off that means I do not want to receive them. Wouldn't you agree?
blackfirestorm666 wrote:
Well look at it this way. I am a member in almost 100 groups and despite my tournament invites being switched off in "settings" I still get tournament invites by group admins that I belong to. Staff on this site say there is nothing I can do but if I have my settings switched to off that means I do not want to receive them. Wouldn't you agree?

Someone creates a tournament. Then that TD uses Invite Players -> Invite a group I manage. The TD (who must be a group admin) doesn't use any group members names explicitly. (In any case, the group admin has no way of knowing whether somebody wants tournaments invitations or not.) That certainly seems to be a bug; ought to take account of members' tournament preferences. Individuals don't need a tournament preference for each group though.

What happens if the TD uses Invite Players -> Invite individual players instead? Does that also ignore individual members tournament preferences? IF THAT DOES WORK CORRECTLY, then each group could maintain a list of its members that don't want tournament invitations, and group admins could consult this list BEFORE sending out an explicit invitations. (This would be like the British TPS ([Telephone Preference Service] which enables people to register to opt out of cold-calling phone calls). I would propose using a permanent Dummy Team Match to keep track of the No-Tournamentors.

EXACTLY my point ... I should be able to have my settings switched off and NOT receive group tournament invites
blackfirestorm666 wrote:
EXACTLY my point ... I should be able to have my settings switched off and NOT receive group tournament invites

I'm agreeing with you - but I'm still trying to understand the issue. Also, I'm wondering whether there may be a temporary workaround while we wait for the problem to be fixed.

When I spoke to staff they told me there was nothing I could do but that the solution could be to put that group feature into the "settings"
artfizz wrote:

 A tournament selector wizard is overdue, given that there are thousands of tournaments to choose from. It would need broadly the same set of parameters as in the Create Tournament form … e.g.

Game Type: Standard chess | chess 960

Status: Official | Member created


(There should be a DON'T CARE option for each parameter, obviously.)

I bet this query would be expensive in database terms though.


A further complication is that Diamond members have greater tournament-creation powers than Gold members (and basic members have none at all). So the tournament search facility might need to be similarly tiered.

Yes agreed

A Tournament Selection Wizard is an obvious candidate for a 3rd-party add-on, along the lines of Jason's chesscom-notify-v10 and Kevin's chesscalendar.


It would be nice, if you can search on the same filters when you are looking for a tournament. E.g. maximum players, rating, format, days, size of poule, etc.


Upcoming Tournaments can be sorted by:

  • Start Date
  • Alphabetical
  • Registered Players
  • Max Players
  • Time Control (faster)
  • Time Control (slower)

Sorting by Fewest Places Remaining would be a lot more useful than sorting by Registered Players or Max Players. e.g. (see 3rd column)


Similarly, sorting by rating range would be a useful addition. e.g. (see 6th column)

allewyn wrote: Where did you get that spreasheet?

I've written a script to drive the browser (Chrome or IE) to step through the pages of the Upcoming Tournaments list, extracting the information. I can then sort it or filter it.

Unfortunately, it's not robust enough for general use yet. Cry