
My name is Daniel Anthony, I started learning chess at the age of 5 watching my father and grandfather play against each other. 
At the age of 6 I Started playing chess against my father and gradfather and by the age of 7 I started to win and my analyzing skills in chess grew drasticly.
At that time I was living in Europe - Croatia and didn't had an oportunity to play chess in any kind of tournament.
At the age of 10 I learned to use a computer and shortly, started playing chess against computer, again learning how to play as white and black effectively, openings, middle games and endgames,

at the age of 12, started playing chess on FICS and my 1st rating was aprox. 890

since then my rating on FICS got to 2000 and is around 2000, and now i'm on chess.com trying to get a fresh start,

hope that i will through tournaments here on chess.com improve my analyzing skills that will not help only in playing chess but in programing as well.

My favorite opening with white is for sure  King pawns game : Kings head opening

as black i like to play the sicillian dragon, and french defense