Best over the board win against 164 at the end of 2012. I don't use any computer analysis in my games and I ask that you kindly do the same. 142ecf=1786 FIDE. (Rapid-play grade =156=1898 FIDE) I own over forty books on the subject and use some of them to help steer through the opening phase of the game, I also sometimes use the online database at chess The use of books and databases are allowed on I have played the game for over 30 years but only played it seriously for just over 10 years when I joined a local chess club. The strength of my play fluctuates due to long term health problems and very strong pain medications, so don't be surprised if i miss a mate in one or leave a piece hanging. Chess is a wonderful game where you can compete against the mind of another. Don't cheat yourself and your opponent by letting someone else or something else think for you. Play your own game. Then when you win, you'll be proud of your victory!!!!