
I started playing chess--or playing at chess--when I was four, when I learned the moves. I have been playing in USCF (US Chess Federation) tournaments since the late 1960s
State (TN) Postal Championship, 1972 Tournament: +4 =3 -0 (1st). Tourney finals finished 1975.
Streak of about 20 games, one loss, two draws, the rest wins
Peak mid 2021 (2354, Daily)
Started on the rise from Average/Class C to nearly Grandmaster/2400 well past 60yo. Simply stopped and thought about things which occurred to me about the real nature of the game as opposed to the nature of play and of the game itself that are common to many of us Average players. This all started with a certain game with a Twin Cities friend with the friend abstractly tring just to penetrate on one side of the board--abstract play, which I barely saw in time.
Did not study books, did not study openings. Used opening digestions on Used the old noggin. Plus plain enjoyment. And, "this can't possibly be done"--therefore I have to do it.
One of my proudest times was taking on #5 in the Daily Chess world of about 2M (rated at the time 25xx) and, with Black, winning; turning a xxx regular Benoni into a near Benko Gambit including de rigeur pawn sacrifice.
My highest global rank achieved was #58--of I believe that 2M global pool.
Now a dozen or fifteen games with a few draws and the rest losses. Just missing things. Korchnoi pic, CLife. Killer instinct gone or hiding or depressed. Barely above Expert three years later.


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