my blog's index
My blog's and some forum entries categorized:
- Medieval chess history
- Misc history & chess
- Shatranj
- I just found something spot
- In the Subway... from TWIC spot
- Chess players
- Openings
- Endgames & composers
- Thematic game collections
- Tournaments & just some games
Medieval chess history up
- The Queen's playing chess with the devil... [31]
- Chess ban in the Eastern Roman Empire or a Murray's misreading? Ioannis Zonaras case... [33]
- From Widukind the Saxon to Girard de Roussillon. Carolingian cycle... & maybe an early modern Queen [53]
- From Perceval & Gawain to Lancelot. Arthurian cycle... and a magic chessboard [62]
- From Odysseus & Troy to Alexander the Great. Greco-Roman cycle... and the invention of chess [64]
- Zatrikion. Chess in Byzantium [Eastern Roman Empire] [72]
from forum
- A strange - funny chess scene from Rutland Psalter ms - 13th c
- For the lovers of reconstruction of displayed chess positions in paintings, in Jacobus Cessolis
- One of the earliest manuscripts including the Deventer Poem
- Some puzzles by Luca Pacioli since 1500 ca
- Two chess scenes of the 14th c. in the Arco castle
- A strange chessboard in the Château d' Amboise, France
- King Richard II of England, a chess player?
Misc history & chess up
- The invention of chess in legend [14]
- So chess is... [17]
- Lenin's chess table [24]
- Alice through the looking glass... some chess visual imagination [38]
- The chessboard of the Templar Knights... in Lombardy [50]
- Petteia - Polis & Ludus Latrunculorum, as partially chess ancestors [65]
from forum
- Chess rook as a symbol in some medieval coats of arms & flags, mainly in Florence
- Un echiquier entre deux tours. I wish I knew the story
- Seduction via Chess in Palazzo Davanzati, Florence. Chastelaine de Vergy [Donna del Vergiu]
- Some chess references of the House of Savoy in Turin of 16th century
- A chessboard in the prison of Troubadour's Tower in Aljaferia... but basically a compilation
- Some newspaper excerpts on Alekhine
- Were Old Norse playing blitz??
- Historic sketches of blindfold chess exhibitions
- Odysseus' Gambit
- At the Cafe de la Regence, before the Great Depression
Shatranj up
- The Immortal Mansuba of Abu Na'im al Khadim: a modern chess study and Murray's proof game [04]
- Abu Bakr bin Yahya al Suli and his diamond mansuba [03]
- Zairab Khatai, a legendary aliya [13]
- The Dilaram problem in Kochanowski's Szachy & the Polish Defense... two aspects of Alexander Wagner [48]
from forum
I just found something... spot up
- Vienna 1908... I just found a photo [55]
- Carl Schlechter playing blindfold in 1898 in Vienna... I just found a game [60]
- Berlin 1919 Four Masters... I just found a photo [67]
- Scheveningen 1933 Honorary Chess Tournament... I just found a photo [69]
- Tartakower - Nimzowitsch, Ljubljana 1931... I just found a rapid game [74]
- Tartakower - Romih, Paris 1939... I just found a game [77]
In the Subway... from TWIC spot up
Chess players up
- Sonja Graf... the early years [10]
- Hermanis Matisons, a great Latvian master [15]
- Chess is something that keeps mad people sane... Peter Romanovsky case [21]
- Lorentzos Mavilis... a poet, a fighter, a chess player [22]
- Johannes Zukertort, the shady figure of the 19th century chess... [26]
- Georg Rotlewi... [29]
- Some games of Victor Ciocaltea [41]
- Two games played by Palle Ravn [49]
- Few games of Robert Hubner [59]
- Capablanca's Europe tour during 1913 - 1914 [61]
- Nicolas Rossolimo in Moscow & Paris before World War II... evolving into international [76]
from forum
- Aron, a Polish talent of 19th century
- Women chess players in the 1930s ~ some photos
- The Menchik Euwe Chess Battles
- Max Euwe in NED champ 1933
Openings up
- Captain Evans and his gambit in 19th century [06]
- Noteboom variation as played recently [20]
- 8. Na3 in the Exchange Slav... Landau variation?? [25]
- Richard Reti in New York 1924 [27]
- Leonid Stein playing the King's Indian [32]
- Reti advance variation, 3. b4 f6 [34]
- When Keres was playing 2... Bb4+ [39]
- Poisoned pawn variations [46]
- The Dilaram problem in Kochanowski's Szachy & the Polish Defense... two aspects of Alexander Wagner [48]
- Quantum entanglement back in 1851 with ...Bb4(+)??? Buckle & Moheschunder... with Keres & Nimzo [57]
from forum
Endgames & composers up
- La Superiorite Aux Echecs: The first chess book of endgame theory by van Zuylen van Nyevelt [01]
- The Sergey Kaminer case [02]
- Frideswide Fanny Beechey - Rowland, an early chess Queen [05]
- Two instructive twin endgame studies by Matisons [16]
- Solving some of the Platov brothers endgame studies... [30]
- Pawn endings... pawn endgame positions taken from games of the last two years [44]
- Hermann Ginninger... the composer who loved stalemates [45]
- Don't invite this problemist for your simul... Edouard Pape [54]
- Opposite color Bishop endgames... & two games I've played [68]
- The unfortunate first endgame composition of Rossolimo of 1926 [78]
from forum
- A Daniel Noteboom's mate in 2
- A forgotten retro problem of Captain Evans (1871)
- Frideswide Beechey's puzzles
- Some Henri Rinck's endgame studies I've found in hathitrust
- The prized endgame studies of 7th FIDE World Cup in Composing 2019
Thematic game collections up
- 100 years ago... chess in London during World War I [18]
- Chess in 1960 [36]
- Drawing lines before the Wall... some chess scenes from postwar Germany [37]
- Looking for patterns [40]
- The value of the active King [47]
- The Knight's Gambit [52]
- Minor pairs [58]
- Chess during World War I in Germany & Austria/Hungary [Central Powers]... some aspects [66]
Tournaments & just some games up
- Grigory Levenfish vs Mikhail Botvinnik, USSR 1937... in the shade of world chess championship [07]
- Euwe, van Scheltinga, Alexander & Prins in Maastricht 1946 [08]
- Some games from Hastings 1937/38 [09]
- Sonja Graf vs Lodewijk Prins in Hastings 1935/36 [11]
- Alekhine' s present to Capablanca for his 50th birthday... their last game in AVRO 1938 [12]
- Landau vs Cortlever, Amsterdam 1941 [19]
- In the candidate chess championship cycle of 1964-1966... maybe Mikhail Tal's last great event [23]
- Some games from Marienbad 1925 [28]
- Karpov - Korchnoi 1978 chess championship match... some highlights [35]
- Borislav Ivkov in Havana 1965. Two beautiful endgames... [42]
- In The Hague 1961... [43]
- An early Garry Kasparov... Dortmund 1980 [51]
- The chess players at the cafe de la Regence. Disagreements at the Paris - Vienna match of 1884-1885 [56]
- Castagna - Feldmann, Zurich 1958. Rothwell's BQ3 [70]
- Alekhine playing blindfold in Paris 1925 [71]
- Steinitz - Lasker 1894. New Blood [73]
- When Tal met Fischer. Candidate cycle 1958-1959 in Yugoslavia [79]
- On the road.. a game from El Llobregat Open 2022 [80]
- When Pirc won Alekhine [81]
- Some Capablanca and more from Moscow 1925... in chess fever [82]
from forum
- A position tactic from an Atkins vs Prins game of May of 1937
- Simultaneous games by Keres and Reshevsky in Netherlands during autumn-winter 1937 ~ some photos
- Ljubomir Ljubojevic vs Viktor Korchnoi, Linares 1985, 1-0. A Queen sacrifice