4 Ways to Waylay the Dutch

4 Ways to Waylay the Dutch

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Evening everyone, 2Bf41-0© is back with some more wicked variations!!

I'm continuing my investigations of Taming Wild Openings and today shall dive into they're analysis of 4 extremely aggressive ways to win miniatures against the Dutch defense. All include an early g4! because of the weak h5-e6 diagonal to black's king.

Blow your opponents away... TODAY! Please let me know which gambit was your favorite in the comments as well as any other queries you may have!

Senechaud Gambit

Their verdict is this line is acceptable to play for from both sides but a bit more difficult to play for the opponent who is unfamiliar with the positions typically arising.

Kortchnoi Attack

Their verdict is this line is highly recommended in any serious competition. 

"The Kortchnoi Attack threatens to undermine black's pawn at f5 by an early g4 break. It involves a fully justified pawn sacrifice. Kortchnoi didn't invent this variation, but his resplendent win against Kanel (in the below analysis) attracted the attention of the chess world with white's inventive handling of the opening."

Krejcik Gambit

Their verdict is this line is highly recommended in any serious competition. 

"The Krejcik Gambit is a radical method of confronting the Dutch defense. White has many ways to execute the g4 break against the Dutch, but this immediate push gives black more defensive options. In general, delaying the g4 advance (as in the other lines we've seen) is more effective, and it is often most appropriate after black has committed to e6 already."

Their verdict is that this line isn't recommended to be used consistently in serious competition but can be an effective surprise weapon and is always great non-serious games to reach entertaining, uncharted territory.
"The Spielmann Gambit is another member of the Anti-Dutch Spike gambits that execute the g4 pawn break. This version benefits from the presence of a black knight on f6 that can be exploited as a target, but this still doesn't objectively justify the investment of a full pawn."