Flying Knives in the Dutch Defense

Flying Knives in the Dutch Defense

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This is the Part II continuation of my previous blog on reviewing French GM Adrien Demuth's book: The Modernized Dutch Defense.  To see Part I, click here. Most importantly, in order to fully appreciate the set of tools at your fingertips on the Forward Chess platform, please read my first two introductory blogs extolling the virtues of it's interactive e-reading player with statistics, replay button, Stockfish 10, and much, much more! These are the two blogs which in depth explain the profusely enriched studying environment fostered by Forward Chess: --- Studying Opening Books with Forward Chess and also Mastering the Endgame with Forward Chess. I highly recommend using it! Grandmasters and amateurs alike gave positive Feedback which can be corroborated with my own great personal experience...

Last time I presented the reader with Demuth's enterprising response to the redoubtable Krejcik Gambit. (1.d4 f5 2.g4!?) 

Upon request, I have decided to show eager Dutch fanatics Demuth's antidote to the intransigent Göring Attack. (1.d4 f5 2.Bg5) This is a stronger and sharper sideline for white than 2.h3 and 2.g4. For instance see this 8 Move OTB Win

The author, GM Adrien Demuth

The main chapter is divided into 5 sub-chapters. This will take an absurd amount of time manually input and I see no point as it would only benefit the player who could buy the book and see all the lines. I am inputting a sub-chapter as a sample for you to judge the quality of analysis, explanations, format, and also whether the positions that arise from many variations suit your chess temperament.

As a bonus, if you purchase the book on Forward Chess, you don't pay the cost of shipping!!

After 2.Bg5, Demuth recommends 2...g6! and at this point the sub-chapters and variations branch out into every known mapped territory on the chessboard.

Here's the second sub-chapter of "Chapter 2, The Göring Attack". It starts after 1.d4 f5 2.Bg5 g6 3.e3 Bg7 4.Nd2. For all the other sub-chapters, study the book.


  • 5...Ng4!?N is a brilliant novelty and you'll destroy many opponents immediately with Demuth's concrete opening preparation.
  • Nc6 is a typical move in many lines in order to keep black's pawn structure flexible.
  • Black will sacrifice a pawn for the initiative in many lines.
  • e5! is a thematic pawn thrust in some variations in order to free up black's pieces and generate dynamic possibilities.
  • Never, ever, despair! No position is truly hopeless in such rich, complicated, and unclear play.

Good luck in your chess journey, and bye for now.