The Chess Viking

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A medley of X-ray tactics

A medley of X-ray tactics

FM Th3ChessViking
| May 6, 2022

Recently I was doing commentary on the Icelandic Championship. One important game featured an incredible amount of x-ray tactics.....and in fact missed x-ray tactics! I hope after this post you will be better equipped to anticipate and find x-ra...

That one time I SMASHED Hikaru!

That one time I SMASHED Hikaru!

FM Th3ChessViking
| Apr 1, 2021

*** Update April 2nd 2021 ****** This was an April Fools prank. The content should be enjoyable nontheless ;-) ***GM Hikaru Nakamura often organises viewer Arena's on his streams. I joined one of his Arena's and the goal was of course to play the ...

The Truth about Grandmaster Draws

The Truth about Grandmaster Draws

FM Th3ChessViking
| Mar 20, 2021

I am sure nobody missed this "masterpiece" of a game at the end of the Magnus Carlsen preliminaries Both players had qualified at this point so there was really nothing to play for. An alternative way would have been to actually play a real...

The Grandmaster oversight of the century?

The Grandmaster oversight of the century?

FM Th3ChessViking
| Mar 11, 2021

It was a truly incredible scene at the Icelandic Cup yesterday when Grandmaster Hannes Stefansson, a 13x Icelandic Champion and former World U-16 champion calmly played the move 16...g4?? The horrible blunder 16..g4?? Quite shockingly his opp...

Another Armageddon?

Another Armageddon?

FM Th3ChessViking
| Feb 12, 2021

For the second match in a row, Magnus Carlsen was tested to the maximum, this time by the French #1 Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. Magnus had a relatively smooth day 1, just like in his match against Dubov. First he struck a blow to the Grunfeld. ...

A match for the ages!

A match for the ages!

FM Th3ChessViking
| Feb 10, 2021

The Quarterfinals of the Opera Euro Rapid produced the same matchup as we saw in the Quarterfinals of the Airthings Masters. World Champion Magnus Carlsen vs the People's Champ, Daniil Dubov! Last time around Dubov produced the upset, what happene...

Dubov tries the Urusov Gambit vs Giri!

Dubov tries the Urusov Gambit vs Giri!

FM Th3ChessViking
| Feb 6, 2021

Today at the preliminiares of the Opera Euro Rapid, Daniil Dubov went for a most interesting opening experiment against Anish Giri. He played the so called Urusov Gambit. The Urusov happens when white offers to gambit the second pawn in the Bish...

The Anti-Anti-London System

The Anti-Anti-London System

FM Th3ChessViking
| Jan 30, 2021

If you like to play the London system, you are more than likely to meet this system in your online games.... 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 c5 3.e3 Qb6 4.Nc3 a6 Before tackling the line (or lines) that I propose to use for white while peop...

Checkmate Patterns - Sniper Mate

Checkmate Patterns - Sniper Mate

FM Th3ChessViking
| Jan 22, 2021

Sniper Mate is a term I came up with for this checkmate pattern. Many people like to refer to the long range capability of the bishop as being akin to that of a sniper. The key piece in this pattern is indeed the bishop and it very often works fro...

Checkmate Patterns - Blackburne's Mate

Checkmate Patterns - Blackburne's Mate

FM Th3ChessViking
| Dec 18, 2020

Blackburne’s Mate is a rare checkmate pattern that involves two bishops and a knight against a castled king. The pattern is named after Joseph Henry Blackburne, a British chess player who once demonstrated this checkmate in one of ...

A game of the year candidate from Daniil Dubov

A game of the year candidate from Daniil Dubov

FM Th3ChessViking
| Dec 16, 2020

The very imaginiative and creative Daniil Dubov truly stunned Sergey Karjakin and the chess world with his opening innovation in the final round of the Russian Superfinal. Karjakin had chances to grab his first Russian crown but Dubov simply had...

Checkmate Patterns - Boden's Mate

Checkmate Patterns - Boden's Mate

FM Th3ChessViking
| Dec 14, 2020

In this blog we will look at examples of the Boden's mate. The mate is named after Samuel Boden who executed this mate perfectly with the black pieces in this game from 1853 played in London. The skeleton Skeleton of the mate The Bode...

Checkmate Patterns - Anastasia Mate

Checkmate Patterns - Anastasia Mate

FM Th3ChessViking
| Dec 12, 2020

One of my favourite checkmate patterns is this one,the one called Anastasia Mate. In it, a knight and a rook team up to trap the opposing king between the side of the board on one side and a friendly piece on the other. Often, the queen is first...

Checkmate Patterns - Arabian Mate

Checkmate Patterns - Arabian Mate

FM Th3ChessViking
| Dec 10, 2020

Arabian mate is the oldest and one of the most important checkmate patterns there are in chess. The pattern can prove the decider in both the middlegame and endgame alike and mastery of it will guarantee you many chess wins in your career. The m...

Kassa's Killer Knights

Kassa's Killer Knights

FM Th3ChessViking
| Jul 22, 2019

The fourth round of the Xtracon Open in Denmark featured a fantastic game by Danish/American IM Kassa Korley. He had the black pieces against super solid Ukranian GM Alexander Moiseenko. Moiseenko had a peak rating of 2726 in 2011 and is a very ex...

Live blitz chess with commentary

Live blitz chess with commentary

FM Th3ChessViking
| Feb 4, 2019

A 3-minute game played here on with a very similarly rated Fide master from Brazil. Have a look at this game with my thoughts and post-mortem. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for varied type of chess videos!

Puzzle Rush Baby!

Puzzle Rush Baby!

FM Th3ChessViking
| Nov 23, 2018

Have you tried Puzzle Rush? It's a great new innovation here on which allows you to train and test your tactics and compare your score with some of the best players in the world. You have 5 minutes to solve as many tactics as you can...

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