Event #77 Leader in front

Event #77 Leader in front

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This is an event that is part of a variant called event chess. More about event chess can be read here.

Event #77 Leader in front

Condition: At least 1 king for each player

Only pieces that stands on the rank in front of the allied king, the same rank as the king or on ranks behind the king can move.


Whites king is standing on the 3rd rank. White can move pieces that are standing on the 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st rank. White can not move his bishop on b5, so black is not in check.

Blacks king is standing on the 8th rank. Blacks pieces standing on the 7th and 8th rank can move. Black can not move his pawns on a6, d6 or g6.


HolographWars - felnix