Vasyl Ivanchuk - 50 years! And a big tournament about it.

Vasyl Ivanchuk - 50 years! And a big tournament about it.

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Today all chess-lovers celebrate a big holiday – 50th birthday of ukraininan Grandmaster Vasyl Ivanchuk, true  Chess Wizard and Genius.

Team Ukraine hosts a big event – online blitz tournament Vasyl Ivanchuk Cup.

It will take place on Saturday, 23th of March at 19-00 GMT
Swiss, 10 rounds, Blitz 3+2 on

Here is tournament link

I am delighted to participate in the event as a player, as a streamer and as a jury-member (we will select the best games and give them prizes too).

More than one hundred strongest players of Team Ukraine will perform, among them at least twenty are titled. Some of them are familiar with the hero of the day personally.

Team Ukraine is one of the strongest teams on, two-times winner of Live Chess World League.

You can watch my stream on Twitch

Manager (@AlexanderMatlak) provides unique real prizes – a newly published book Two Universes of Vasyl Ivanchuk (2019, in Ukrainian, by Myron Kozak) with
- Genuine autograph of GM
- Photos of Vasyl Ivanchuk given by his family
- Games of Genius

Vassily Ivanchuk Cup prize
This rare book is Vassily Ivanchuk Cup prize.

Number of Prizes – 10 (ten-!) books.

Prizes will be given to:

1. Top-5 Winners of the Tournament (5 prizes)

2. Subscribers of Youtube/Twich channels - Chess Team Ukraine TV (2 prizes)

- best Underdog (by Blitz-rating) of the Tournament
- lottery winner (Random).

3. Best Games Authors (3 prizes).

Two Best games of the tournament are determined by Experts Jury and one game is elected by Poll on this blog. And you will help us with this!

Autograph on the book from Vassily Ivanchuk
Autograph on the book from Vassily Ivanchuk

Expert Jury:

1. GM Vladimir Okhotnik @kintoho (Uzhgorod, Ukraine)
(coach of Vassily Ivanchuk in Junior Team of Ukraine in 1980-s)

2. GM Mikhail Golubev @Mikhail_Golubev (Odessa, Ukraine)
(team-mate of Vassily Ivanchuk in Junior Team of Ukraine in 1980-s)

3. GM Eldar Gasanov @ElGasanov (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

4. IM Vladimir Grabinsky, honoured trainer of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine)

5. IM Alexey Palekha @rainspistols, superadmin of Team Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

6. IM Valery Grinev @enakievo, international coach (Kyiv, Ukraine)

7. IM Pavel Sevostianov @IMcoach, international coach (Kyiv, Ukraine)

8. IM Alexey Maly @supernotar (Kyiv, Ukraine)

9. Evgeniy Murkenshtein @mksn_undead, superadmin of Team Ukraine (Linz, Austria)

10. Tómas Veigar Sigurðarson, @lakituba Admin of Team Iceland (Akureyri, Iceland)

11. Neil Blackburn @simaginfan, top-blogger of (Great Britain)

12. Kamalakanta Nieves @Kamalakanta top-blogger of (Puerto Rico)

13. FM Michele Coto @michechess89 top-blogger of (Cuba)

Games-nominees will be selected by admins of Team Ukraine - @AlexanderMatlak and @UAArtur

Everybody can participate in voting via blog Fresh Chess by UAArtur
Subscribers of Youtube-channel will vote via likes on video and get a short video for each game. Please, subscribe! Chess Team Ukraine TV

Vasyl Ivanchuk – was born on 18th of March 1969 in Kopychyntsi town (Ternopil region, Ukraine).

Grandmaster (1988)

4-times Chess Olympiad winner:
twice – as a member of USSR-team (1988, 1990), twice – as a member of Team Ukraine (2004, 2010).

World Champion in Blitz (2007), World Champion in Rapid (2016), European Champion (2004), in 2002 was in one step away from the crown of the FIDE World Champion, but lost the match against another Ukrainian genius, Ruslan Ponomarev.

In 2008 - Rating # 1 in the World (2791)

Chess-players about Vasyl Ivanchuk:

GM Emil Sutovsky:
Who is the best ever chessplayer in the world? Obviously, Vassily Ivanchuk in a good shape!
GM Alexander Khalifman:
Vasya - it`s a Galaxy! As a personality he is very close to Fischer. Everything outside chess he perceives
as an obstacle. I adore his genious!

GM Nikita Vityugov:
Why do we love Ivanchuk? To my mind - for his devotion to Chess as an Art!

Garry Kasparov
Congrats to the World Rapid!
He surprised me many times at the board; now he’s teaching a whole new generation.
Vassily Ivanchuk won Linares was 21 years ago.
The first time he won, Magnus Carlsen was not yet born.
Great Ukrainian Eagle!

Many thanks for my friend @AlexanderMatlak

for creating the tournament and this blog.

Artur S
  • Billing / Membership Support


 My good games at this week

#1   #11   #21   #31   #41   #51

#2   #12   #22   #32   #42   #52

#3   #13   #23   #33   #43   #53

#4   #14   #24   #34   #44   #54

#5   #15   #25   #35   #45   #55

#6   #16   #26   #36   #46   #56

#7   #17   #27   #37   #47   #57

#8   #18   #28   #38   #48   #58

#9   #19   #29   #39   #49   #59

#10  #20  #30   #40   #50   #60










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